Digitisation, Visualisation and Analysis of Collection Items (DiViAS)

Digitisation, Visualisation and Analysis of Collection Items (DiViAS)

The research network DiViAS brings together scientific methods and practices of digitising, researching and representing collection items from colonial contexts. By adopting a transdisciplinary approach, the network addresses the epistemoligical, science-political, and social challenges involved in handling and digitising such critical heritage. As such, the project systematically combines expertise from the fields of museum-, history- and cultural studies with that of technology and computer science – including artificial intelligence (AI), data analysis, geoinformatics and threedimensional measurement technology. The project is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation within the programme "zukunft.niedersachsen (future.Lower Saxony)".

The Project 

Digitisation, Visualisation and Analysis of Collection Items


Departments, Institutes and Facilities Involved


Events, Workshops, Conferences and More


Videos, Press and further Information